National Network to Innovate for COVID and Adult Vaccine Equity

About Us

NNICE uses community engagement to advance equitable approaches to adult immunizations, while building the evidence base of interventions for adult vaccine uptake among racial and ethnic groups experiencing disparities.  Specifically, NNICE brings together researchers, content experts, implementation partners and community grantees to develop and implement promising practices to create vaccine confident individuals in our communities of focus.

Digital Resources

Partner-generated videos and other digital resources.

Flyers and Infographics

COVID and other vaccine information and resources to print or share.

Partnering for Vaccine Equity

P4VE information and relevant resources.

Vaccine Locator

Locate the nearest vaccination centers and explore relevant information to facilitate your vaccination decision-making process.

Vaccine Mythbuster

Dispelling common, vaccine-related myths through insights from credible sources.

Our Partners

Our work would not be possible without the incredible support and continued effort from our invaluable partnerships in the community.

Contact Us

Have any questions? We are always open to discussing our work, new projects, creative opportunities, and how we can help you.